Kirsten – Senior

We couldn’t have asked for a better evening for Kirstens photos! All week it had been upper nineties and one hundred degree weather, but the evening cooled off and the wind settled down.

One thing I always encourage my seniors to do is include something special in their session! This something special could either be an animal, keepsake from someone special, or even a specific location. For Kirsten it was her cello, and I could’ve just listened to her play all night! Musical instruments are so neat, and I love getting to include important things in senior sessions!

You may also enjoy these blog posts:

5 Tips for Planning Your Senior Session

Kalya – a western inspired senior session


Hi, I'm Amanda! 

You've found one of my favorite parts of my website! The blog is where I get to share the beautiful sessions and clients that I am blessed to work with. While not every session may be able to make it to the blog, I try to add as many as I can! You can even find some old ones from years ago if you look hard enough! 

More about me

You've found one of my favorite parts of my website! The blog is where I get to share the beautiful sessions and clients that I am blessed to work with. While not every session may be able to make it to the blog, I try to add as many as I can! You can even find some old ones from years ago if you look hard enough!