Kirsten – Senior

We couldn’t have asked for a better evening for Kirstens photos! All week it had been upper nineties and one hundred degree weather, but the evening cooled off and the wind settled down.

One thing I always encourage my seniors to do is include something special in their session! This something special could either be an animal, keepsake from someone special, or even a specific location. For Kirsten it was her cello, and I could’ve just listened to her play all night! Musical instruments are so neat, and I love getting to include important things in senior sessions!

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5 Tips for Planning Your Senior Session

Kalya – a western inspired senior session


Hi, I'm Amanda! 

You've found one of my favorite parts of my website! The blog is where I get to share the beautiful sessions and clients that I am blessed to work with. While not every session may be able to make it to the blog, I try to add as many as I can! You can even find some old ones from years ago if you look hard enough! 

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